Meet the team and ask your questions

Bluebells in Freston Wood

Do you want to know more about the Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)?

The AONB team will be in Wrabness on Monday 14th November 1:00pm – 2:00pm and will be available to answer questions on the AONB or offer help.

Questions or queries might include:

  • Planning Matters
  • Funding for community projects
  • Wildlife and nature recovery
  • Volunteering
  • Farming in Protected Landscapes

Come along and pop in. There’s no need to book in advance! The location is Freston Village Hall, Freston, Ipswich, Suffolk IP9 1AH.

For more information, please do get in touch on 01394 445225 or email [email protected].

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