Survey results show impact of plastic on Suffolk’s beaches

Beach Clean

The results of surveys carried out on some of Suffolk’s iconic beaches and estuaries by volunteers during 2022 show that more than 7,000 items of litter were found, weighing in at 117kg, with the vast majority being made of plastic.

More than 5,000 items of plastic were identified by Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) volunteers as part of the Marine Conservation Society’s Beachwatch scheme.

This data was captured with the help of volunteers, who play a vital role in conserving and enhancing the Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 26 surveys took place across 2022, with more than 350 volunteers taking part in Beachwatch surveys at several locations, including Shingle Street, Bawdsey and RSPB Havergate Island.

Not only does litter spoil the scenery, it is also very dangerous for people and wildlife. Animals such as whales, turtles, fish, and seabirds frequently become entangled in marine litter, and many sadly die as a result.

Most beachwatch events that took place were in September for the Great British Beach Clean. At each beach clean event, volunteers work alone or in pairs and record all the items of rubbish they find in a 100-metre stretch of beach.

The information is then sent to MCS who analyse the data, act against the worst marine pollution offenders and lobby for changes in legislation, such as the introduction of the plastic bag levy in England in 2015.

Top 10 litter items found in 2022

8 out of the top 10 litter items in the AONB were of plastic composition:

  1. Plastic/Polystyrene: Plastic/polystyrene pieces 2.5-50cm
  2. Plastic/Polystyrene: Packets (crisp, sweet, lolly (inc sticks), sandwich)
  3. Plastic/Polystyrene: Cigarette stubs
  4. Plastic/Polystyrene: String/cord (thickness 0-1cm)
  5. Plastic/Polystyrene: Caps / lids
  6. Plastic/Polystyrene: Fishing line (angling)
  7. Other glass items (total)
  8. Other paper/cardboard items (total)
  9. Plastic/Polystyrene: Cups
  10. Plastic/Polystyrene: Fishing net and net pieces 0-50cm

You can find out more about Beachwatch and volunteering in the Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty by visiting For more information, please contact Neil Lister, Countryside Projects Officer, on 01394 445225 or [email protected].

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