The Essex Local Nature Recovery Strategy


Farmers and landowners play a key role in caring for our countryside, so how will the Essex Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) ensure we can all help in the recovery of nature in Essex?

Collaboration and consultation are essential to ensure the Essex LNRS becomes an effective tool in developing partnerships and action plans that more effectively support biodiversity and encourage collective activity that is focused where it can have the most benefit for wildlife.

To learn more and to discuss your part in the Essex LNRS, visit the Essex Local Nature Partnership website, where you will find details of upcoming events, recordings of information webinars for farmers and landowners, FAQs and contact email for submission of land and projects or to ask questions.

You can also sign up to a FREE in person workshop for farmers and landowners held at Braxted Park in Great Braxted on Thursday 11th January 2024 at 9am. Book your place here:  

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