Manningtree Mermaids honoured with National Landscape Award

Manningtree Mermaids receiving the National Landscape Award from David Wood and Nick Collinson
Manningtree Mermaids receiving the National Landscape Award from David Wood and Nick Collinson

Wild swimming group, the Manningtree Mermaids, have been named as the winners of the David Wood National Landscape Award for 2024.

The annual award is presented to an individual, organisation or community group that has made an outstanding contribution to the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape.

The Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape stretches from Kessingland in North Suffolk, down to the Stour Estuary in North Essex, covering an area of 170 square miles. The area is nationally designated because of its outstanding natural beauty and importance for wildlife.

The Manningtree Mermaids are a wild swimming group based in the popular town in Essex that swim regularly in the Stour Estuary and they have grown their numbers to more than 180 swimmers.

After a lengthy period of raising awareness, building strong support from the local community, and even national media attention, the group were successful in applying for designated Bathing Water Status for Manningtree Beach in May 2024.

This formal bathing water designation means the Environment Agency will monitor the water quality of the Stour Estuary weekly during the bathing season, which runs between May-September, over a five-year period, with the aim of improving the water quality.

This is a significant achievement that will have a lasting impact upon the National Landscape, given the Estuary is also nationally important for many bird species and other wildlife.

Members of the public nominated the Manningtree Mermaids for the National Landscape Award and the judging panel unanimously decided that the group were the outstanding candidates.

The award recognises the work that was put in to achieve the designation, as well as the ongoing efforts to use swimming to promote health and wellbeing in the National Landscape.

Nick Collinson, Chair of the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape Partnership said:

“Through the selfless hard work and dedication of incredible volunteers, the Manningtree Mermaids have brought together a community to enjoy swimming and spending time outdoors in the National Landscape.

The Bathing Water Designation that the Mermaids achieved for the Stour will have a long-term, positive impact on the Estuary and they are fully deserving winners of the David Wood National Landscape Award.”

Manningtree Mermaids said:

“The Manningtree Mermaids are delighted to be recognised for our work in achieving Bathing Water Designation at Manningtree Beach and to receive this beautiful award. We hope this will be a step towards protecting the precious Stour Estuary for generations to come.”

The award is named after David Wood, who served as Chairman of the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape for more than 20 years and was instrumental in securing the historic extension of the National Landscape to include the Stour Estuary in Essex in 2020.

You can find out more about David Wood National Landscape Award at

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