Can you help to achieve ambitious targets for nature recovery within the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape?
In response to the Government’s Environmental Improvement Plan (2023) and the National Landscapes Colchester Declaration (2019), the National Landscape is working in partnership with landowners and organisations to achieve significant, and measurable, benefits for nature.
Ambitious targets have been set out for each National Landscape and National Park by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for a range of targets covering the following:
- Restoring/creating wildlife rich habitats
- Increasing tree canopy and woodland cover
- Planting hedgerows
- Enabling natural regeneration
- Creating ponds and wetlands
We are looking for landowners/land managers to help us deliver the work to meet these targets. If you have land and want to improve its biodiversity potential or change the way it is used e.g. by planting trees or sowing a wildflower meadow, we would love to hear from you.
This would enable us to record your project, including it in demonstrating nature recovery across the National Landscape. In return we may be able to help support you and the successful delivery of your project, by providing:
- Informal advice from experienced conservation staff
- Volunteer support to turn your vision for nature into reality
- Signposting towards further guidance and/or potential funding
For information and to register your interest, please email [email protected] or phone 01394 445225.