Designated Sites

Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape is a tremendous place for wildlife with many places recognised for their importance for wildlife on a local, national, European and global scale.
Our Key Habitats include:
- Saltmarsh
- Vegetated Shingle
- Heath
- Coast
- Estuary
Almost 29% of theSuffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscapei s internationally and nationally designated for its nature conservation importance.
Such places have been given formal conservation designations such as:
- Ramsar site – usually a wetland of international importance;
- Special Protection Area (SPA) – a site of European importance for rare, vulnerable or migratory birds;
- Special Area of Conservation (SAC) – areas of high-quality natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna considered to be most in need of conservation at a European level;
- Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) – an area that is of particular interest to science because of the rare plant or animal species it contains, or because of important geological features. These designated sites represent the core building blocks for Nature Recovery.