
Wetlands are large areas of coastal and floodplain grazing marsh, particularly along the inland estuaries.
This important habitat supports huge numbers of breeding wading birds, particularly redshank and lapwing. In winter, flocks of wildfowl and waders feed and roost on the marshes, particularly at high tide when the adjacent mudflat and saltmarsh is covered with water.
The dyke systems within grazing marshes range in water salinity from fresh to brackish and support a range of plant communities. Scarce plants such as whorled water-milfoil and soft hornwort can often be found, particularly where nutrient levels are low and there is a brackish influence.
Our first major nature conservation project was at RSPB Hollesley Marshes reserve where we funded the creation of several shingle islands for nesting birds, part of a £150k package of scrape creation and water level changes. Within two days a glossy ibis was using the new wetland.