Landscape Enhancement Initiative

Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape is working to fund local projects through National Grid’s Landscape Enhancement Initiative.
The objective of the Landscape Enhancement Initiative is to reduce the visual impact of National Grid’s existing infrastructure (pylons, wires and substations) and enhance the quality of the affected landscapes.
Where the visual impacts cannot be directly screened it may be possible to shift emphasis away from the transmission line by enhancing the landscape in other ways.
The National Grid lines we are concerned with are the very large metal pylons running south and west from Sizewell through Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape.
Eligible projects must lie within the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscapeb oundary.
There is no fixed limit on the distance of eligible projects from the pylon line, but the visual impact needs to be justified and in general, landscape and visual impacts decline with distance and the most important impacts usually occur within 3 km of the line.
Applications can only be made by the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape Team, so we are working with partners to put the best projects forward. In 2019 we worked in partnership with RSPB, Suffolk Wildlife Trust and a private landowner to apply for just over £250k. We excitedly await the decision in 2020.
If you are interested in finding out more about the fund visit the National Grid Landscape Enhancement Initiative webpage or contact AONB Project Officer, Claire Cadman,