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  • Nature network update – June 2024

    Nature enhancement is a key part of our ongoing work to conserve and enhance the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape.  Our Nature Network Officer, Alex Moore da Luz, provides a round-up from all of our nature enhancement projects and volunteer work parties for June 2024. 1 Shotley Ringed Plover Project It’s been…

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  • Community grant funding available

    The Community & Conservation Fund is open for applications from community groups and organisations looking for grants to support environmental projects. This is a small grant programme, of typically about £500-£700. Grants of up to 100% can be awarded towards project costs. The Community and Conservation Fund is our own Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths…

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  • Landscape for All events a huge success

    Last week, the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape team organised for a Suffolk Refugee Ukrainian Group visit to historic Sutton Hoo. The event was in partnership with East Suffolk Line Community Rail and Greater Anglia, who provided free rail travel, and the National Trust who provided a free community pass for the group. The group…

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  • Nature network update – May 2024

    Nature enhancement is a key part of our ongoing work to conserve and enhance the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape.  Our Nature Network Officer, Alex Moore da Luz, provides a round-up from all of our nature enhancement projects and volunteer work parties for May 2024. 1 Stag Beetle Pyramid Building Fantastic work…

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  • 2023 Beachwatch results published

    The results of the litter surveys carried out by volunteers in Suffolk during 2023, as part of the Marine Conservation Society (MCS)’s Beachwatch scheme, have been published. Beachwatch is the Marine Conservation Society’s national beach cleaning and litter survey programme where people all over the UK can care for their coastline. At a Beachwatch event volunteers…

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