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  • Tackling coastal erosion

    The Benacre and Kessingland Flood Risk Management scheme is a complex managed realignment project which will address coastal, fluvial, and pluvial flood risk alongside challenging coastal erosion issues.   The project is a catchment-scale, partnership approach to managing the flood risk in the Lothingland and Kessingland Valley, Suffolk. This large river valley sits within an Internal Drainage…

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  • 10 highlights to explore in 2022

    The Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is a awe-inspiring landscape fully of beauty and wonders. Planning a visit? Here is some inspiration for your next trip! Find out more information, including visitor guides to help you plan your visit, visit  1. Foot Ferries Rivers define the AONB and are internationally significant for wildlife and…

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  • Birds and climate change

    Not only is climate change having an impact on humans and how we live our lives, but wildlife too. Adam Rowlands, RSPB Suffolk Area Manager, explains the impact climate change is having on birds in the area. The impacts of climate change are having mixed fortunes on birds, particularly in the Coast and Heaths AONB.…

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  • The positive impact of trees

    It’s no secret that we need to do more to tackle the climate and ecological emergencies that we find ourselves in. Whilst the worst of global emissions can be reduced at government level, the actions of individuals have a vital role to play if we are to alleviate the worst that climate change can throw at…

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  • Brand new AONB newspaper for 2022-23!

    Hot off the press! Our brand new, free AONB newspaper is now available to read online, or pick up a copy from 100s of locations around the area. This year our theme is climate change. Find out the impacts of climate change on wildlife, nature and the landscape in our special area, and what you…

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