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  • Design opportunity for local artists

    We are looking for talented local artists to produce two awards that will celebrate the contribution an individual, community group or business has made to one of the National Landscapes in Suffolk and Essex. The award will recognise the impact they have had on the National Landscape of either the Coast and Heaths or Dedham…

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  • AONB Flagship Species

    We’re delighted to announce that the flagship species for the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB has been selected. The Redshank (Tringa totanus) sometimes referred to as the Sentinel of the Marshes was selected by AONB environmental partners representing 16 organisations with an interest in the AONB’s wildlife. Although it was a very difficult decision, the…

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  • Great British September Clean

    As part of the Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British September Clean we are encouraging people to organise litter picks to clean up their local environment and help keep our National Landscapes special. The scale of the litter problem in the AONBs since lockdown restrictions have eased has increased enormously and many villages are struggling to cope with…

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  • Register for Great British Beach Clean and New Source to Sea Litter Quest

    We are encouraging people to register for the Marine Conservation Society’s annual Great British Beach Clean and it’s new Source to Sea Litter Quest taking place from the 18 – 25th September. The scale of the litter problem in the AONBs since lockdown restrictions have eased has increased enormously. We all need to take action to…

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  • Ginkgo Prize for Ecopoetry

    The Ginkgo Prize for Ecopoetry, the biggest international prize for ecological, environmental and climate-concerned poetry, is open! Organised by the Poetry School, and judged by novelist, activist and UK Poet Laureate Simon Armitage and poet, critic and commissioning editor Jade Cuttle. The Ginkgo Prize aims to illuminate the climate crisis and the role that poetry can play in provoking consciousness and change.  The…

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