2023 Beachwatch results published

Beach Clean

The results of the litter surveys carried out by volunteers in Suffolk during 2023, as part of the Marine Conservation Society (MCS)’s Beachwatch scheme, have been published.

Beachwatch is the Marine Conservation Society’s national beach cleaning and litter survey programme where people all over the UK can care for their coastline.

At a Beachwatch event volunteers clean and survey 100m of beach. The information is then sent to MCS who analyse the data, act against the worst marine pollution offenders and lobby for changes in legislation.

2023 saw more people participating in Beachwatch events more events taking place, and a longer length of Suffolk’s shores surveyed. Plastic and polystyrene continue to be a scourge of our times and sadly the public generate by far the most litter found on our beaches and foreshores.  

Not only is litter horrible to look at, it’s dangerous for people and wildlife. Animals such as whales, turtles, fish and seabirds frequently become entangled in marine litter, and many die as a result.

Key Beachwatch 2023 Facts

  • 33 litter surveys were carried out
  • 627 volunteers took part in Beachwatch surveys
  • 983 volunteer hours
  • 180 kg litter was found and recorded

Top 10 Litter Items

  1. Plastic/Polystyrene: Plastic/polystyrene pieces 2.5-50cm
  2. Plastic/Polystyrene: Packets (crisp, sweet, lolly (inc sticks), sandwich)
  3. Plastic/Polystyrene: Cigarette stubs
  4. Plastic/Polystyrene: Caps / lids
  5. Plastic/Polystyrene: String/cord (thickness 0-1cm)
  6. Other paper/cardboard items (total)
  7. Plastic/Polystyrene: Fishing net and net pieces 0-50cm
  8. Sanitary: Cotton bud sticks
  9. Wood (machined): Lolly sticks / chip forks
  10. Plastic/Polystyrene: Fishing line (angling)

Beachwatch volunteers carry out surveys throughout the year in the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape. You can find out more on the Beachwatch page of our website.

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