Nature recovery is a key part of our ongoing work to conserve and enhance the Suffolk & Essex Coast & Heaths National Landscape. Our Nature Network Officer, Alex Moore da Luz, provides a round-up from all of our nature recovery projects and volunteer work parties for March 2024.
Shotley Ringed Plover Project – Shotley Gate
A fantastic effort by volunteers over three days In March ensured we have two decent sized enclosures erected which will hopefully protect nesting ringed plover and oystercatchers from disturbance.
Last year three ringed plover chicks fledged and four oystercatcher eggs were also spotted in a nest. We are hopeful of more success this year. Volunteers will be out surveying the beach from the seawall footpath to record bird sightings.

Hedge planting in Bawdsey
More great work from the volunteers planting up large gaps in between hedges on the boundaries of arable fields at two more sites in Bawdsey.

Sutton – Deben Estuary
Volunteers helped to thicken up a recently planted hedge at a farm in Sutton. A lovely mix of crab apple, hawthorn, spindle, bird cherry, field maple, dog rose, hazel and hornbeam were planted.

Stanny Marshes – Iken
£4,000 of National Landscape Farming in Protected Landscapes funding and £4,500 of Environment Agency WEIF funding helped to pay for 1.5km of new foot drains at Stanny Marshes. This fantastic new habitat will benefit waders and wildfowl immensely.
A specialist soil spreader and specially trained tractor driver helped to create the invaluable habitat. The soil spreader helps to spread the soil very thinly ensuring the grass will grow back very quickly.

Suffolk Wildlife Trust Snape Marshes
£3,000 of Environment Agency WEIF funding was spent on the reopening of 1.2km of footdrains at Suffolk Wildlife Trust Snape Marshes Nature Reserve.

Upcoming tasks:
- Tuesday 2nd April – Cliff Farm, Sutton – Hedge gapping up
- Wednesday 3rd April – Cliff Farm, Sutton – Hedge gapping up
- Friday 5th April – Shelley / Higham – Giant Hogweed Control
- Friday 12th April – Shelley / Higham Giant Hogweed Control
- Wednesday 17th April – Saxon House, Ipswich – Tool Maintenance
- Friday 19th April – Layham – Giant Hogweed Control
- Friday 26th April – Cliff Farm, Sutton – Hedge Maintenance